1) Do Debt Contract Enforcement Costs Affect Financing and Asset Structure? (with Radhakrishnan Gopalan and Abhiroop Mukherjee)
The Review of Financial Studies, 2016, 29(10): 2774-2813
2) Do Corporate Taxes Hinder Innovation? (with Abhiroop Mukherjee and Alminas Zaldokas)
The Journal of Financial Economics, 2017, 124(1): 195-221
Media: Cato Institute Research Briefs in Economic Policy No. 79
3) Does A One-Size-Fits-All Minimum Wage Cause Financial Stress For Small Businesses? (with Sudheer Chava and Alex Oettl)
Management Science, 2023, Volume 69, Issue 11, Pages 7095-7117
Media Coverage: Wall Street Journal, National Affairs, Real Clear Public Affairs, American Experiment, Town Hall Finance, Cato Research Brief
4) Creative Destruction? Impact of E-Commerce on the Retail Sector (with Sudheer Chava, Alex Oettl, and Linghang Zeng)
Management Science, 2024, Volume 70, Issue 4, Pp. v-vii, 2023-2704, iii-iv
5) Impact of Corporate Subsidies on Borrowing Costs of Local Governments: Evidence From Municipal Bonds (with Sudheer Chava and Baridhi Malakar)
Review of Finance, 2024, Volume 28, Issue 1, Pages 117-161