Working Papers
Under Review / Completed Papers
1) Spillover Effects of Accelerated Depreciation on Small Business Investment (New Title) (with Riddha Basu and Doyeon Kim )
Revise and Resubmit at Journal of Accounting Research
-CFEA 2022 , NFA 2022 , FMA 2022 , CICF 2022, WFA 2022, MFA 2022, FOM Group Conference 2021, NZFM 2021, EGROW 2021, IFC 2021,
2) Labor shopping substitution and retail prices: Evidence from plant openings (with Abhishek Bhardwaj, Devaki Ghose, and Saptarshi Mukherjee)
Revise and Resubmit at Journal Political Economy: Macroeconomics
3) Impact of Large Firms' Bankruptcies on Local Governments (with Sudheer Chava and Baridhi Malakar)
Under Revision for First Submission at Journal of Financial Economics
--Best Paper Award at the Annual Meeting of AEFIN Finance Forum, 2021
---AFA 2023, MFA 2022, AREUEA/ASSA Meeting, 2022, FMA 2021, SIEP 2021, INFER, 2021, AREUEA -Singapore, 2021, UEA - European Meeting, 2021,
4) Impact of Local Temperature Shocks on Small Businesses (with Sudheer Chava and Mingxun Wang) NEW! (available on request)
Under Revision for First Submission at Journal of Finance
Working Papers
1) Costly Entrepreneurship (with Sudheer Chava, Manasa Gopal, and Yafei Zhang) NEW! (available on request)
--University of Kentucky Finance Conference 2023*, Boulder Summer Conference on Consumer Financial Decision Making (Poster) 2023*
2) Worker Mobility and Firm Leverage: Evidence from State Health Mandates (with S Lakshmi Naaraayanan)
--Society of Financial Studies Cavalcade-Asia Pacific 2017, American Finance Association PhD Poster Session 2018, Midwest Finance Association 2018, Asian Finance Association 2018
3) Enemy at the Gates: Trade Credit v/s Price Discount as a Strategic Tool (solo)
- Asian Bureau of Economic Research Conference 2016, Financial Intermediation Research Society Conference 2017, Society of Financial Studies Cavalcade 2017, Conference on Financial Economics and Accounting 2017, Emerging Market Finance 2017